The Other Side of Dr. Xeno's Brain

It's me, Dr. Xeno. Here are lecture notes and ideas for my work teaching physical and cognitive development across the lifespan (HDEV 3101) at the Department of Human Development at CSU, East Bay. This content is often referred to as mind-brain, mind body connection, brain and behavior; but it is really about the knowledge derived from the related fields of neurology, neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Sometimes I just write about my kids or bike racing. Feel free to comment!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Happy to be...

Here. Now. Maybe my health affirmation worked a bit; but the friends visiting from Colorado kept me off the bike and around the table a bit more and longer than usual. At least I'm healthy & happy again! Hungry to ride & race! Even if a bit heavier than before this imposed break. Always nice to entertain old friends and Cookies, Beer, etc. Thanks Ianuccis!

Hey Mom, I gained 6 pounds in 6 days!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I will experience ultimate health [edited].
I am healthy.
I am fit.
I am.
[working so far...]

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Ahh, home again

Thank the travel gods - Wife home from China. No longer a single Dad.
Tomorrow, we ride.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Snelling results finally up:

Yo, did ya notice Mark Patten aka Jesus Chong in Snelling results? 3rd in E4 and 11th in 45+ - that's some double! 112+ miles of racing: 49 miles at 8:05 am with the 4s and 63 miles at 12:30 pm with the 45+ field that caught us 35+4/5ers. He also got a 1st & 2nd at Alameda GP. Somebody at NRCAracing said he was also this guy, but I'm not sure they're correct. What do you think?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My New Training Partner...

I expect a lot out of this young racer, Kai. Not even 3 yet and he's already perfecting 'The Look.'

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Big Ol' Alameda GP Report

Alameda Grand Prix Crit, 35+ 4/5, 11:10 am start, 45 minutes
Distance covered 19.0, ave mph 24.5 mph, RacerX on the Felt

Racers (8): Adam, Dave, Paul T, Joe, Maurice, Mike, Richard, Xeno

Adam Martin's report (Pictured at right, also did E4 right after this race): I carpooled with Paul. We did a couple of climbs in Clayton on saturday and they might have taken some out of his legs. Joe, Dave, and Paul I think attacked early. I was too far back to see what actually happened. Wyatt and I were at the back and the pace was so high that the rear was was disintegrating. I jumped around soon to be dropped riders to close the gap. Wyatt was stuck and chased for a lap. A few laps later I see Maurice, one of our designated sprinters, in the parking lot. I thought maybe he got pulled since his tires did not look flat. Moving up was extremely difficult. I asked Mike to fill in as our second sprinter. The attacks were seemingly endless. I found Rich and told him that Mike would be sprinting with him. When the lap cards went up at 7 to go I moved up. I found the buildings to be good shelter from the cross wind by going up the right gutter at the elbow right turn. I see Xeno cover a TP move. Then a couple of riders attack with me on their wheel. Next lap another rider goes with me on is wheel. Next lap another 3 go with me on their wheel and another rider on my wheel. Wyatt drags 2 riders up and we have a break of 7. I looked back and I think SJBC and Spine were chasing. I think the riders used up their energy bridging so the break wasn't too organized. Next lap a Spine rider who had been chillin at the back hammers off the front with me on his wheel. At bell lap I looked back and Richard was well positioned. I locked the inside on turn 3, unfortunately Rich got bumped a bit and his position slipped. I saw him fight for the last corner though for his first top 10 finish. Way to go!

Xeno Ras Report: We got lucky with weather again! And we're keeping our top 10 finish streak alive; for BAR/BAT, should it begin again. We made a large impact in the overall race in our largest field of the season so far (75). I stayed for results and Asturias was in 8th, my #300 revealed a '41' finish - was the pack still that big at the end? Plenty crossed the line behind me. Well, as promised I made my big 'move' at 3 laps to go - luckily, I finally got a lap count and got the wheel of #280/Lasik center to fly right up the outside and jump for daylight in the final turn & S/F, stretch. Unrelatedly there was a wee crash on the inside of the final turn with 3 to go - was that where Mike B busted 2 spokes? I was so far OTF at the S/F the announcer even read my name. Cool; shoulda had the family there. Hope it helped, I stayed in 1-3 wheel most of the lap and it was stretched out - I could not see who was just around me before my move or else I could have escorted someone up front fast - I might have hit it just a little too hard, dunno. I was able to see some of the sprint (looked like Richard was flying up the left lane up to the front; but wound up some other red-gray dude, see photos). Suddenly there's dude down, then standing up, with ass rash right at the F line! w'happen! (from photos & reports, clif bar & peggy rider Tom Adams crossed lines, but it was clif's front wheel & down yee go). According to Richard, "He almost slid over the F line on his ass... he woulda beat me!"

My other big action came at around 8-12 minutes into the race, a Trumer got a good gap and I saw no EMC in front to respond. I came from pretty far back to get halfway across only to realize the guy on my wheel is also Trumer. So, tried to give the chasers a target and just keep pace high. I saw all of us take our time & turns at the front - good work guys! Wish I could've done more - Whew - that was fast; legs a lil heavy from almost 3 hours on saturday. I found I could move up on the outside/windward side. Mostly clean & safe until the few bonehead moves toward the end when dudes are cooked and adrenaline kicks in. Learned Trumer was/is strong - Bauer/Gunderson, plus a few others; basicall controlled the race, ended up with a 5th place. They went on to dominate the E 4s race. I stayed to see Adam in the 4s finish - nice work! He was to hang in until the finale whipped up.)

1. Mark Patten/Jesus Chong/Newman's Own (also go 2nd in 45+; gotta upgrade soon, eh?)
2. Robert Evans, blue guy, indy
3. Tom Adams of Peggy (also 4th in the E4 race)
4. Steven Mielich SJBC
5. Scott Bovard of Cyclesport/Trumer Pils
8. Richard Asturias EMC/Vellum
Complete results at:

Gotta say, That was awesome! Except Mike B's spokes & dropping Maurice. But we had 7 guys finish in the 53, more than any other team; Trumer had 6.

Dr. A's Stats

From teamie Richard Asturias (8th place):

I downloaded the Alameda Crit today. Here's some of the data:

Average speed: 24.2 MPH
Time: 46:15
Distance: 18.6 Miles
HR Average: 165 (I thought my LT was 168 before that race but I ran alot at 172)
HR Max: 178 (The highest I've ever seen on a bike is 183)
Cadence Average: 95 (seems to high???)

Photo narrative...

...supplements race reports nicely:

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Other team's race reports... and tactics!

In line with my cycling obssession, I've found I quite enjoy reading the race reports posted by other teams in public forums, as well as their tactical plans. We at EMC/Vellum keep these among ourselves and I like to believe they are a bit more colorful. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this time sink as much as I do. Oh, the caveat here is that it's a lot more interesting to read a report from a race you were in, or at least observed or at the very least know someone else who was in the race. On the other hand, I perused this stuff like some sort of weird cyclist stalker all last year trying to decide what races to do and what team to join.
Total racer for RacerX 1998-2004: 0.
Total races for RacerX in 2005: 2.
Total for 2006 so far: 5.
Happy reading road freaks.

CVC, aka Central Valley Cycling - lot of reports - see 'Race Reports' forum,
plus a private team forum where I bet they keep all the juicey stuff:

San Jose Bicycle Club, aka 'SJBC', it's like one guy has the assignment to post a report:

Trumer Pils/Cyclesports, aka, 'the organge and white team':

Pegasus/Allegiant Air, aka 'contra costa cycling club' (C4):
(I especially like the post where one rider says, 'We should do our planning somewhere more private." or something like that):

The NCNCA Racing forum, has both selective "Race Coverage" race reports:
and an on-going forum with all sorts of chatter:

Of course the OV always describes his 35+1/2/3 or just plain P/1/2 escapades with inspiration and wit, (aka Mike Hernandez, Team Safeway):

Got any other good ones? Post 'em here.