The Other Side of Dr. Xeno's Brain

It's me, Dr. Xeno. Here are lecture notes and ideas for my work teaching physical and cognitive development across the lifespan (HDEV 3101) at the Department of Human Development at CSU, East Bay. This content is often referred to as mind-brain, mind body connection, brain and behavior; but it is really about the knowledge derived from the related fields of neurology, neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Sometimes I just write about my kids or bike racing. Feel free to comment!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Structure of the Nervous System

Week 2/Chapter 2: Structure of the Nervous System
The hot-linked text below will take you to the relevant section of the GetBodySmart tutorial.

The nervous system is made of TWO types of cells (NOT discussed in the textbook)
  • neurons - actively communicate by synaptic connections (electro-chemical process)
  • glial cells - support cells, protect and increase speed of communication (myelin sheath)
  • 110,000,000,000 neurons and about 50x that number of neuroglia

Traditional 3 parts of the Nervous System:

CNS = central nervous system
  • brain - the central processing unit
  • spinal cord - pathways going up and down, as well as reflexes ('u-turns', 2 neuron reflex)
PNS = peripheral n.s.; mostly enters or exits holes in the spinal cord or vertebrae
  • carries information from receptors in the body to the spinal and then UP to brain
  • carries information coming DOWN spinal cord to effectors in the body (muscles, glands)
  • specialized cranial nerves (12 total) enter or exit holes in the cranium, not the spinal cord

ANS = autonomic n.s.; made up portions of both CNS & PNS, 'automated' control of body:
  • Sympathetic branch: activation/arousal, flight or flight response, emotion
  • Parasympathetic branch: recuperation, relaxation, rejuvination
Divisions of the Brain

Major Divisions of the adult brain - tutorial goes top-down...
Each division is made up of a number of specific neuroanatomical structures.
Beumont presents the divisions bottom-up... lower functions first.
  • brainstem - basic body functions (medulla oblonglata, pons, midbrain)
  • cerebellum - motor coordination & motor learning, posture
  • diencephalon - subcortical forebrain - emotion, motivation, awareness (thalamus, etc.)
  • telencephalon - 'forebrain' - cerebrum - cerebral cortex - outer layer, newest, cognition
  • CORTEX will be described in greater detail as we address the lobes in the coming weeks
Organizational Features of the Cerebrum
  • Right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum/telencephalon
  • Four lobes and their boundaries
  • White matter and gray matter
  • Primary or secondary cortex
  • "Decussation", contra-lateral representation, or cross-over
  • Primary