The Other Side of Dr. Xeno's Brain

It's me, Dr. Xeno. Here are lecture notes and ideas for my work teaching physical and cognitive development across the lifespan (HDEV 3101) at the Department of Human Development at CSU, East Bay. This content is often referred to as mind-brain, mind body connection, brain and behavior; but it is really about the knowledge derived from the related fields of neurology, neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Sometimes I just write about my kids or bike racing. Feel free to comment!

Friday, July 07, 2006

On the mend

Back in March ('Spring Break' even) The Iannucci's visited from LittleTown, Colorado and Carl took this pic of Frannie, Logie (lil hooligan in the middle) and myself somewhere over The Bay. Was a nice visit, but I recall that even then I was run down, fighting off some sort of cold and deeply in need of a break. Rest. Recovery. Siesta. Mending. Recooperation. Healing. Sleep. Et cetera. Never got it and now, I'm still payin' for it. Learn from my mistakes: Take some time to rest.