The Other Side of Dr. Xeno's Brain

It's me, Dr. Xeno. Here are lecture notes and ideas for my work teaching physical and cognitive development across the lifespan (HDEV 3101) at the Department of Human Development at CSU, East Bay. This content is often referred to as mind-brain, mind body connection, brain and behavior; but it is really about the knowledge derived from the related fields of neurology, neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Sometimes I just write about my kids or bike racing. Feel free to comment!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Run for Fun

OV has a creative side-bar on running. It's mostly oriented for the bits of running done between the cycling parts of cyclocross. As a reformed running addict, sounds good to me, and it seems like the right approach to the bits of running in CX that should indeed be explosive. Since my race season is also over, I'll be relapsing a bit to the ol' trot. It is especially time efficient and portable for travel. Plus a little variety aka cross-training might put some spice back in my training. Oh yeah, and I do lots of silly walk type drills too, plus a bit of the ol' fartlek. Heck, just running will build the core, but do some high steppin' drills and feel the burn!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Ze Frank is Surging

OK, if you haven't worked Ze Frank into your busy life yet, please see this episode of Ze Frank and explore a few other episodes if you liked that. His spoof on the design of the terror alert system is better than nearly all tv comedy.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Whole New Thang

Ok, mild case of bike lust going on here. Actually lusting for the entire sub-sport of cyclo -cross. No way I'm gonna get clearance on this one, but it does have a practical acpect to it. If I can sell my Felt, I might be able to swing it. But then I'd need new shoes... mud loving pedals... oh yeah, and bike handling skills!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Time to Focus

Summer Break? Somewhere in the desert of my training log, is an actual training ride. None in the sweet zone of anaerobia for many weeks gone by and many more to come. Off 4 weeks with the crud - mostly off two more just to ensure I got over it all. Back a week. Off almost a week to Phoenix (cooler than than the NorCal heat wave of '06). Now, must remain in the build mindset (like it was January again) until Septemberish. Then, I can return to the full range of fun and suffering we love and learn to expect from our two-wheeled partners in fitness and mental health. What that's that thing called... cyclocross? hmmm....