The Other Side of Dr. Xeno's Brain

It's me, Dr. Xeno. Here are lecture notes and ideas for my work teaching physical and cognitive development across the lifespan (HDEV 3101) at the Department of Human Development at CSU, East Bay. This content is often referred to as mind-brain, mind body connection, brain and behavior; but it is really about the knowledge derived from the related fields of neurology, neuropsychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. Sometimes I just write about my kids or bike racing. Feel free to comment!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 2

Human growth and biological development vs. behavior and cognition

Human change and grow and develop. Lots of ways to look at this; measure is quantitatively, view it qualitatively or consider it's transformative nature. However, it clearly rests upon a biological entity (the human itself). It is fascinating, because it is us.
1. Growth, development and maturation
Definitions (p. 15, Barry Bogin, Patterns of Human Growth)

Human development (biology) article with mega-hypertext
Especially note the stages/phases of physical growth.

Human Growth Charts:
Head circumference (QuickTime)
Motor Milestones

QuickTime Clips:
Brain Growth
Major Event in Neural Development
Seen a fetus lately?

2. Emergent properties of the physical body
Behaviorism is not a bad word. More Wiki
Cognition - is it as good a plain old thinking?


Friday, September 19, 2008

Digital Libraries

Caron Inouye's (BIOL) presentation at Back to the Bay Conference at CSUEB.

Examples are The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) and MERLOT

Some specific items:

Embryonic growth in 22 secs (credit Nova)
