Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kaiboy & His Doggie

Yesterday's photo shoot with Momma X was fruitful. Nearly every shot was a keeper. the tree, the hat, even Dakota cooperated (aka, 'dumbass dog' or 'stinkass dog'). Looks a bit like Huck Finn here. He still has the scratch scar from another dog (Maggie, big puppy, yellow lab) on his right cheek, but Momma X is workin' on Photochop, so it's not so noticable here.


  1. I'm in trouble now - I'm not supposed to call Mrs Dr X, 'Momma X'.

  2. p0987654321`,,MM NNNBVCXqq8

    Kai's first blog comment

  3. +-kmkjuyyt5ewqzxcvbgtujl;'o009ppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppkppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp opppppppp

    9 999giifvigb fvifvdiming jjjjjjjjhhhh¿Æ

    Kai is blogging again!

  4. Yo Dr. X - I'm also a UGA grad. Small world! Drop me an email and let's talk about good ol' Athens. gino [at] zahndindustries dot c o m

  5. Actual straw cowboy hat like the one Nathan wore at the EMC crit - but turned sideways, has a different look!

    Now, how 'bout them Dawgs! Geno knws what I'm talkin' about...
