Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Snuggle in for Spring

Not my kid, not my dog. Just one of those images in the old My Pictures file - not sure where it came from. My apologies to the copyright police.

Reasons for posting this:

1) I was getting sick of seeing my last posted image.
2) Seems like a good thing to do in this unstable transitional Spring season.
3) I like dogs and babies, especially ones I'm not responsible for.
4) It's just plain heart-warming (I'm avoiding using the word 'cute' on the advise of a team mate).


  1. Yes, but no shmoopy prose to go with it...

  2. Is it Spring yet??? Feels like we live in a perpetual shower.....

  3. DUDE - Good luck tomorrow in the crit. You know what to do.....just race smart, as usual! Sorry I am not able to be there this time around, but we're so lucky to be living here in N. California....races every weekend! YES!!

    Let me know how it goes!

  4. That last picture was scary thank you quite the yin-yang switcheroo
